MDJ Oilfield Service provides on site first aid and mobile medical services for the Oil and Gas industry as well as Construction Sites within Alberta and British Columbia.
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MDJ Oilfield Service provides on site first aid and mobile medical services for the Oil and Gas industry as well as Construction Sites within Alberta and British Columbia.
Call us about obtaining medic services for your special events!
Onsite First Aid Mobile Treatment Centers are for Companies or Individuals who provide service to clients in high-risk work activities. Medic attendants are equipped and specialize in medical emergencies. They are certified and trained in the following: advanced automated external defibrillator (AED), emergency response plan (ERP) and S.T.A.R.S emergency protocol.
Industries that operate in remote areas such as the oil & gas, logging, pipeline, and construction sectors have a valuable resource, their employees. To help protect this resource, MTC units are equipped for the level of medic required, Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Acute Care Paramedic (ACP) all registered with the Alberta College of Paramedics and or BC Certified. We also provide Level 3 Occupational First Aid (OFA-3).
Includes OFA-3, EMR's, PCP and ACP with all equipment to meet the scope of practice for the medic attendant. MDJ Oilfield Service provides 24-hour Medical Advisor Service’s for all reportable incidents.
Our 4x4 units are fully equipped to ensure every medical emergency is handled effectively, including two-way radios, cell phones and boosters for poor service areas. All Mobile Treatment Center units are Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Certified (CMVSS) and are Transport Canada Compliant.
MDJ Security Guards are certified and licensed under the Security Service and Investigators Act. Guards work 12 hour shifts; day or night to protect property of the industry. Patrol vehicles are 4x4 equipped with two-way radios, cell and boosters, amber lights and emergency roadside kits.
MDJ Oilfield Service Inc. also provides chainsaw and labour work. Chainsaw operators hold safety tickets for general chainsaw clearing in snagging, logging, line cutting, and slashing.
Labour crews conduct pipeline right of way cleanup, facility and yard maintenance.
MDJ works independently and in cooperation with the utmost respect of other workers, equipment and the environment. Employee’s are trained to deal with all necessary documentations. Such as safety field reports, job safety analysis (JSA), incident reports and hazard identifications. MDJ will work in all areas of labour with proper PPE, up to date safety tickets and job orientaions. All equipment is certified, tested and checked daily.